Thank you for visiting our website.It is our objective to provide the most professional and precise Landscape Takeoff & Estimating Service for your Company needs. We realize that not having an estimator that you can talk to in person can be a little uncomfortable, but we are always available by phone, skype, teleconferencing and if needed we can come to your office for those really large projects.
Our objective is to help you out, we can provide you with landscape and irrigation quantity take-off's using our state of the art digitizing Take Off software, Bluebeam Revu eXtreme™, shop the materials needed using your vendor list, and provide estimate spreadsheets using your production rates. We can also provide labor budgets for usage during the construction phase. The choice is yours! -Why burn the midnight oil? -Why keep a full time estimator on staff when you can't afford one? -Why pay for all of the estimating software and hardware? -Why pay the extra rent on an office for your estimator? We can provide all of this to you for a low price. |
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